Vignette purchase

In accordance with our regulations, we register electronic tolls to Austria immediately. In the case of vignettes valid from today, registration takes 1 - 30 minutes, and with validity for the next 3-4 working hours, which does not affect the transaction. If you need quick help, call us or send an SMS +48 668 414 910 24 hours a day.

Our advice: In the second half of the year, it may be more advantageous to buy 2-month and 10-day vignettes instead of the annual vignettes. The annual vignette for the following year is available from November and is valid from 1 December.
Do you still want to buy an annual vignette?
Attention! Due to a system failure, ordering vignettes for the selected country has been temporarily suspended! We apologize!

Vignette data

Country *
Vehicle type *
Attention! Check if you have a truck registered as a truck in the registration certificate - then choose a truck!
Mobile J in the ID -> M1 (up to 7 places) = passenger, M1 over 7 places, N1 or --- it's a truck!
Attention! A passenger car is one that, measured at the front axle, has max. 130 cm high!
Vignette type *
ECO - The vehicle is powered by natural gas (CNG) or biomethane within the meaning of § 21 (3) ZPK, the amount of which is specified in the implementing regulation to the ZPK.
Uwaga! Winiety 7-dniowa oraz miesięczna w formie elektronicznej dostepnę są dopiero od 01.02.2022!
Type of vehicle power supply *
Border crossing - entry *
Border crossing - departure *
Destination city *
The route *

Vehicle data

Vehicle's country of registration *
Registration number (without space)*
Important! The city symbol and the rest of the registration number should be separated by the sign: - (dash)
Vignette validity beginning *
Winieta ważna od godziny * According to the time of the destination country (+1 hour) → : 01:02
VIN number *

Contact data

e-mail *
Phone *
The vignette will be sent to your home address in the form of a STICKER.
Enter your address in the form below:
Surname *
Name *
Passport number *
ZIP code *
Place *
Street, house number *
SMS notification

Vignette - order